Visited Jaques Station and got beaten up by NPCs.

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Visited Jaques Station and got beaten up by NPCs.

Postby Jeffers2112 » Fri Aug 19, 2016 9:04 pm

Having been out for five months exploring, I took the opportunity of going to Jaques Station,
There were no other Mobius players there when I arrived, just the usual selection of generic NPCs.
I made the most of my visit by selling my exploration data, finally gaining the rank of Elite in the process.
As I'd made a fair number of credits from this I decided to outfit myself a mining ship and give that profession a go.
I wasn't going to mess about with my Asp X so I bought a T-6 (the biggest ship available there).
I'd done a bit if homework so I knew what bits I needed to fit to try mining.
I had a go at some metallic asteroids as a bit of practice and sort of enjoyed it.
I moved on to the RES in the rings of the planet that Jaques orbits, but found a large number of hostile NPCs there, with the usual threats etc.
I wasn't going to be much of a match for them with my two mining lasers as the only weapons on the ship so I tried to get away.
I stood no chance... the first NPC that attacked me (without asking me to drop my cargo) was beaten off by the authorities, but the next one destroyed my ship.
This seems a bit harsh to me, this isn't a HAZ-RES, just an ordinary one. Why have these homicidal NPCs trailed all the way out to Jaques?
Well, that was enough for me. I got the T-6 back on insurance, then stripped and sold it.
So it's me back in my trusty old Asp and back out into the black......

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Re: Visited Jaques Station and got beaten up by NPCs.

Postby Schmobius » Fri Aug 19, 2016 10:46 pm

RES site always, always, always equals hostile NPCs. Period.

Really, I'm surprised there even is one out there. You don't have to go to a RES site to mine, in fact, I recommend you purposefully don't. Just go somewhere else along the rings, and (SLOWLY) smack into them. You'll drop down in an area full of stuff to mine.

Now, in the bubble, I've had hostiles show up even in a non-RES area, but only like two of them, and no more ever came to replace them. They were there pretty much as soon as I dropped in. You MIGHT not even have to deal with that there, but it sure beats the endless wave after wave of them in a RES site.

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Re: Visited Jaques Station and got beaten up by NPCs.

Postby TorTorden » Fri Aug 19, 2016 11:34 pm

When I went mining I, like mentioned stay clear from resource sites.
And the difference between a low res and a hazardous one is slim if any. And all npc ships are stark raving crazy dobermans (doberman's are actually the sweetest and most loving of dogen breeds I have ever met so I don't really like that comparisson)

Anyhoo whenever I drop into a ring for mining.
The game ALWAYS spawn either a single upper level pirate or a wing of smaller ones.
These will scan and if they don't find anything at all (used to be they would attack you for limpets) they will just scoot off and I wouldn't be bothered by anything after that.

But the game would always spawn at least one npc entity.

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Re: Visited Jaques Station and got beaten up by NPCs.

Postby Jeffers2112 » Sat Aug 20, 2016 9:45 am

Yeah, I had noticed that it pretty much doesn't matter where you mine, I've had some good results from metallic asteroid belts.
And yes, I would expect NPCs at most RES sites, but I just wondered why they'd gone all the way out to Jaques when there are much easier pickings nearer to home.
And I did wonder here they'd be based. There's only Jaques Station out there and these pirates can hardly call in there for R&R now, can they?
I'll probably have another go at mining once I'm back in the bubble (I can get a much better equipped ship, for sure) but for the moment I'm slowly working my way back, admiring the sights.....

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