First They Came For My Truss Rod

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First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby Avago-Earo » Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:33 am

And then they came for my plectrum.

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby Avago-Earo » Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:05 am

I dunno, either. Not my usual thing, but I quite like it. Hoped some of the old guard might be here; strength in twats etc etc.

No worries, I'll just do the usual; chat about something insignificant and politicise it to yhe point where everyone takes it personally and starts typing in capitalletters and loses any ability to punctuate.

Whilst I'm here, I'll send my regards to the people that were here when this group was emerging from its' infancy. And apologies for the obnoxious angry shit that I shared. TBH if I didn't share it, I think I may have just done one on myself. We all go through shit, that thing a couple of years ago was a bit too much for me alone, so thanks for listening (you know who you are).

And to Globus Diablo, Cheers, mate. When you have conversations, around a common theme (5.1 Audio), then you (menaing I) say stupid things because -not coping, but that person sticks up for you, as in, sticks their reputation on the line.

Thank you.

Avago Earo is missing in action. Commander Son Of Avi is currently in the Aulin system larking around in a Cobra Mk IV.

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby Walter » Tue Mar 12, 2019 4:43 pm

As long as they left your truss you're good for another day.

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby Avago-Earo » Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:28 pm


If the truss rod moves;

there is hope.

I'm playing a cheap SG copy at the moment. The LP needs a re fret, probably re radius down to the bones.

Here's my not-totally-sober-but-at least=more-rested opinion on the beautiful thing that we call the guitar:

If the truss rod moves; the guitar has a future.

Clothes serve a purpose. When given a choice over what one can wear; the preference becomes an expression. Same with scooters. Same with motorbikes. same with guitars.

The pressure to conform has left many a person ball deep in snow, though.

Pick ups, fret size; all preferences/add ons. Can the neck be fixed? If so, then that guitar is perfect. Forget the label on the head stock, because no one else really cares; they came for the music.

The reason that I'm ranting again, is because I love music and I get it when someone is expressing themselves. I haven't played my Les Paul for two years; it really is beautiful, like furniture designed with love. But, as a friend of mine once had written on her knickers: 'It Won't Lick Itself'.

When people look for that 'great metal tone', they have stopped being musical. Music is in your heart. Music and words ie song, are probably the best ways that we can express ourselves. An example off-the-cuff would be The Specials in the 80's, with all the political turmoil of the time: Bands played and people danced.

Play your heart out. Here's a simple song that, I think, demonstrates that beauty:

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby Stabby_Dave » Tue Mar 12, 2019 9:23 pm

If you've still got a truss, you'll always have support ;)

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby LeDoyen » Wed Mar 13, 2019 1:03 pm

Be carefull with your Truss friends.. they are often the ones pulling the strings...

... i'm out

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby Norwin Palmer » Thu Mar 14, 2019 5:11 am

I have a Recording King RD 17SN that I have come to appreciate and love more with the passing of time even though it is one of the least expensive guitar I own and wouldn't hardly be known much less held in any esteem by other players... ain't that peculiar?

As to "Music and words ie song, are probably the best ways that we can express ourselves." Maybe true but why do "people" have such a miserable record at recognizing what is "art" and what is just a commercial consumable product generated to attract the current crop of consumers. Or a lot of "great artists" lead poor and miserable existences and their art is not widely "recognized" until hundreds of years after they are dead.

Or for a concrete example is Alma Deutscher a great artist on a level with the big three or a flash in the pan? We could be living with one of the greatest composers of all time but none of us will live long enough to know.

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby LeDoyen » Thu Mar 14, 2019 8:19 am

Well, she plays classical music so, she will be recognized by people as people grow old and depressed by life :P

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby Norwin Palmer » Fri Mar 15, 2019 2:28 pm

LeDoyen wrote:Well, she plays classical music so, she will be recognized by people as people grow old and depressed by life :P

Getting old is something I doubt if we'll survive , I don't know of any that made it out alive.

So for now I'll mark you down as undecided :evil:

Bob Dylan said something like, I wrote some songs that sounded a certain way and I guess people attached a certain meaning to them that I never intended but I was never interested in their causes. They wanted me to be their leader or savior or something and when I went a different way they were all hurt and angry but that was all on them, I didn't have anything to do with it. I saw what was happening and wanted to become rich and famous, maybe that was selfish of me but sometimes you need to be a little selfish to get ahead. I was never interested in his music till that moment listening to what he said about it.

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Re: First They Came For My Truss Rod

Postby LeDoyen » Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:05 pm

All i saw was a little girl probably being paraded around like a circus curiosity.... well, Mozart did start the same way so you got me there :)

And even if a musical genius did come up (and i am sure there are quite a few about like little miss Deutscher), we'll never know about it, or hear them by pure luck because people want to hear biebers, grandes and gagas.

SO it feels pretty good being in the rabbit hole listening and making music with more than a chord and a half

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