Station Missions and Faction

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Blue Ice
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Station Missions and Faction

Postby Blue Ice » Tue Feb 16, 2016 6:49 am

At first I picked up any and all missions I could get my hands on and knew how to complete. After ranking up with the Federation, eventually joining Zachary, and learning a little bit about faction influence I have started picking and choosing the missions I accept based on the issuing faction. Furthermore I have been trying to go for the missions backed by a Federation/Corporate or Federation/Democracy factions.

I know completing missions affects influence and reputation but how much of a difference does it make for me passing on those non-federation missions? Some of them pay pretty good but because they are not from a Federation faction I've been passing on them.

I've read up a bit on factions but still haven't quite figured out if it is worth the effort to limit myself to certain missions due to the factions providing them.

If anyone has any insight please feel free to share. I'm leaning towards just picking up the missions I like and forgetting about the faction providing them but if there is something else to consider I'm all ears.

Mostly Harmless
Mostly Harmless
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Re: Station Missions and Faction

Postby Wihglah » Wed Feb 17, 2016 11:21 pm

As far as I am aware the station missions are not related to Powerplay at all, but do have a cumulative effect on your rank within the 2 opposing Navies.

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