Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Discussion about the Order of Mobius faction in Elite: Dangerous
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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Judson » Sat Jan 30, 2016 12:34 pm

Xebeth wrote:
I don't think we have "shot our bolt", we have maintained a strong influence in Azrael from day 1, and we reached an expansion scenario in good time. The issue is with Exioce, which at this time, is in my opinion, a lost cause.

The enthusiasm we all had after we thought we had won the war in Exioce seemed to dissipate when it was discovered OoM hadn't taken a station (useless though they are) We gained marginal % influence against 'Allied' for a couple of days then lost ground consistently since then. Maybe my saying 'shot our bolt' is a bit strong but it seems that way to me!

Xebeth wrote:There is also the issue of Rafferty's Mobius, to have started and not owned the station (whilst adding some game play elements) doesn't seem right. The name of the station isn't a coincidence, Mobius backed the game to such a level at the kick-starter that he was able to name the station (and the planet it orbits), it seems only proper that his player faction started with ownership of the station that he paid to name.

I can't argue with that really and I know all about Mobius ambassadorship for ED since the game started. It still doesn't change my view though that if the initial implementation of these player factions had been better thought out it would probably be better for the OoM and other player factions and have left us in a stronger position than we are now.

Just my thoughts, don't mind me! :P

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Tifu » Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:34 pm

Thanks DeeJay :) Apologies everyone for the wrong URL.

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Tifu » Sat Jan 30, 2016 1:46 pm

Btw, I just came from Exioce about an hour ago. The Order's influence is down to 17%+ and Crimsom Electronics is up to 10% + and on an upward trajectory. Another 2% gain for Crimsom and we"ll be at war with them again ( the required difference in influence levels is 5%).

If that does happen ( & we want to do it right this time) then 3 things have to happen :

1. Xebeth and the regular commanders repeat their amazing heroics in the CZ's
2. Those who want to join me will destroy ALL Crimsom Electronics ships in Exioce (outside the CZ)
3. Somebody influential (preferrably Mobius or Xebeth or both) appeal to everybody who uses the Mobius private group to
a. avoid Exioce
b. pick up a few missions for the Order from Rafferty's every week

If we just give up the fight, nobody is going to take us seriously - including the FDevs. A lot of player groups have gone through a lot more than we have in order to expand. That's what I honestly think, would be interested in hearing everybody's opinions & suggestions.

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Judson » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:08 pm

Tifu wrote: The Order's influence is down to 17%+ and Crimsom Electronics is up to 10% + and on an upward trajectory. Another 2% gain for Crimsom and we"ll be at war with them again ( the required difference in influence levels is 5%).

I hope Crimson win and take Sabine Installation! Then if we do go to war with them and we take it from them we will be in a much better position to take on Allied at a later date. :evil:

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Tifu » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:15 pm

Judson wrote:
Tifu wrote: The Order's influence is down to 17%+ and Crimsom Electronics is up to 10% + and on an upward trajectory. Another 2% gain for Crimsom and we"ll be at war with them again ( the required difference in influence levels is 5%).

I hope Crimson win and take Sabine Installation! Then if we do go to war with them and we take it from them we will be in a much better position to take on Allied at a later date. :evil:

Damn, that civil war is over but I forgot to check if the Sabine station has changed hands :( Could someone please check? Won't be back at the computer anytime soon.

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Judson » Sat Jan 30, 2016 3:42 pm

Yes! Crimson have taken over Sabine Installation! Mwah hah ha!

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Tifu » Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:29 pm

Judson wrote:Yes! Crimson have taken over Sabine Installation! Mwah hah ha!

I'm almost tempted to increase their influence to speed up the second war with them :) But I believe there is a cool down period of a few days - the next weekend should be ideal for the push. If for some reason they rapidly overtake us during the cooldown period then we start killing Crimsom ships.

@Saberius are you with us? How about you @Wolf? @Kilrathi ?

Let's be bad guys - time to misbehave :)

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Qud » Tue Feb 09, 2016 5:20 pm


New guy hoping to join here.

Are there any benefits to the POMF system? I saw on the E:D forums that you guys own a space station, does that allow you to discount prices?

I just returned to E:D and lost a whole bunch of cash trying to trade in my conda in open. (big mistake apparently) The game has changed so much.

First powerplay, now in game player factions?

Mannnn. Solo is fun and all, but I want in on this glorious PVE.

I got off topic:

So do you (hopefully we, soon) get any benefits from the Mobius faction?

Where is it? Can I see the system changes in solo?


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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Tifu » Wed Feb 10, 2016 8:14 am

Qud wrote:Hi!

New guy hoping to join here.

Are there any benefits to the POMF system? I saw on the E:D forums that you guys own a space station, does that allow you to discount prices?

I just returned to E:D and lost a whole bunch of cash trying to trade in my conda in open. (big mistake apparently) The game has changed so much.

First powerplay, now in game player factions?

Mannnn. Solo is fun and all, but I want in on this glorious PVE.

I got off topic:

So do you (hopefully we, soon) get any benefits from the Mobius faction?

Where is it? Can I see the system changes in solo?




Welcome to the Azrael expansion effort Qud :) This has been going on since before I joined, the Order members were able to push our minor faction's influence level in Azrael to 70% late December and we expanded into Exioce in early January.

As an invading faction a War then started with Crimsom Electronics & we missed the required victory level by a few percentage points. To change tack the Order members decided to push for a new expansion by elevating the OOM minor faction's influence to 75% (yup FD decided that 70% wasn't challenging enough so they raised the bar).

At this point , because the BGS is still seriously bugged, anything can happen. We might get the new expansion, the Exioce war can flare up again, both might happen or nothing will.

There are no real benefits yet in doing this currently because the minor faction features are still incomplete. You do get better missions and better payouts once you reach Allied status , you do have fun working together and you get to watch the system evolve to have better/worse security, better/worse outfitting and hopefully more features added to Azrael and other future systems in the Order's sway.

We are really hoping that we get to pledge ingame soon just like Powerplay players get to pledge to a major power to get bonuses, discounts, special equipment and other goodies. If and when we get to that point and OOM has two or better three systems in the bag by that time then we have a good chance of remaking this tiny corner of the EDverse into something that better reflects us as an organization & possibly a useful tool to help other people ingame as our charter specifies.

Sorry for the long and wordy explanation.

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Re: Major changes for new Player Owned Minor Factions

Postby Qud » Thu Feb 11, 2016 2:07 am

Tifu wrote:......

Don't apologize!

Thank you :) This is awesome. There are a huge amount of us, no? (well, not me, yet, thanks bugs)

Im sure we can carve out our own corner.

I didnt know about better paying missions and the like. Thats really interesting. Thank you.

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