New CMDR lost... seeking help

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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby EradicationGod » Fri Dec 27, 2019 7:43 am

Thank you again CMDR JohnLuke, for all the info....

I tried to mine as you described above and although I got pretty far, I still wasted a lot of limpets, rockets and charges and two hours of time....just to end up virtually empty back in a station, with not that much mined....

Some more questions if you like.... How to use the mining tool (link) properly? It's quite confusing for me... then How to tell my collector limpets just to pickup painite or anything else I want, like you told me above.... And why do my charges/rockets keep bouncing of my astroid, I guess not all yellow glowing astroids are minable? Maybe we could meet up online and you join me in my Keelback miner for some hands-on training perhaps? Would that be an option?

Thank you again for your info, it did help a lot.... I did more 'mining' in those two hours of screwing around, then I ever did since I started playing ......
CMDR EradicationGod

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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby JohnLuke » Fri Dec 27, 2019 10:36 am

To do Painite mining, you don't need rockets or charges. Just mining lasers. It sounds like you're doing deep core mining which is fun but much more complicated. Here's a great video on the outfitting and process of painite mining. Just adjust the outfitting as best you can to your ship.

As for the mining website that I sent yesterday. It'll help you find 'double hotspots' which will give you a far better chance of finding rocks with Painite in them. (faster mining sessions). Just enter the name of your current system, and click on Painite. The results will show you which systems are closests, and which planet's ring to go to within that system has the double hotspot.
The right hand columns show the closest places to sell. You can also use Inara to get that info, as shown in the video above.

Another resource to consider is our #mining channel on the Mobius discord server in the "Elite Careers" category. Those guys know way more about mining than I do.

If our paths cross in-game this weekend I can help you out, depending on how much time we've got and where we both are in the bubble. I have a mining Conda out there somewhere, sitting by a painite hotspot.


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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby SockFiddler » Fri Dec 27, 2019 2:20 pm

Mining: I did a load a day in a Python outfitted for mining and made Elite Trader and a billion credits in just over a week. Ignore 90% of the "Look how awesome I am at everything" bullshit you see on Youtube and prepare to grind and, potentially, die a lot for a while.

Many thanks to CMDR Ithallius, btw, for teaching me the Plentiful Painite Procurement Procedure as detailed below. And for making me richer than I really wanted to be. Which meant I ran out of excuses for avoiding buying a fucking buttplug Anaconda, which is fine as he still can't get me to fly that fucking thing. Ha.

Anyway. I digress. Painite mining is easy, repetitive and effective.

Here's how:

The biggest ship you can afford; go here to theory-build your load-out: (post here which ship you're looking at and someone will help build and link it for you)
2 lots of collector limpets (for rapid pick-up. Two lots of 3Ds depending on your ship will do you fine)
1 prospector limpet (small is fine)
1 refinery (smallest size)
1 decent sized fuel scoop (you don't want to be hanging around for long. Try to get a scoop that allows a full refuel in less than 2 mins)
1 DSS (discovery surface scanner. You can fit this in any 1-size slot. Ditch your docking computer bullshit if you need the space)
Cargo everything else.
2 mining beams. Fixed.
Pulse lasers on gimbals, if you have spare hardpoints.

If you're gutsy, run without shields and be prepared to jump into SC if you have trouble and no police around. Put cargo in every other optional internal slot.

At the top of the Coriolis page is a "Stations that sell this build" link. Click it and then, in "Minor Factions" choose "Li Yon-Rui" (You'll get everything at a discount).

BUY LIMPETS BEFORE YOU LEAVE. Fill 90% of your hold with them: you can always dump them if you fill up - they're super-cheap.

HIP 21991 works well. Drop into Analysis mode, fly to the ringed planet nearest the sun, scan the innermost ring. When you see patches of red light up, you're done. Target one of the two painite spots in the innermost ring and faceplant into it. Turn on Night Vision and your ship's lights.

Put your prospector limpets on number 1 on column A fire group and your collectors AND mining lasers on 2A. Open your cargo scoop. Look at a rock, fire a prospector. Wait for the little "beep" sound and then cut your speed (usually X) until the limpet is safely away. Target it, wait for it to report its findings. Approach the painite rock, get close enough that your ships lights are reflected, cut speed (X), mine it.

In your #1 panel, go to contacts and start adding everything that isn't painite to your ignore list. You can leave materials (nickel, sulfur etc) as they won't clog up your refinery. You might have to unfuck your refinery and inventory as they will jam up and collect everything not on your ignore list. You only have to populate your ignore list once.

Mine until your cargo hold is full. Jettison limpets in batches if required as you go. You are aiming for a full hold of painite.

Make The Sale
Go to this site:

Put in your current system (HIP 21991), look for best price. Bear in mind:
1. Longer the supercruise, the more chance you have of pirates, and if you are ballsy, you will not be running any shields.
2. You might have to scoop for fuel.
3. Those prices update frequently - refresh your page often.
4. Landing pad size

Buy a bigger ship as soon as you can - the more cargo space the more money. My python - used as a miner because I had no other use for it - will clear 150+ mil credits a run (with a 136 ton cargo hold). The build itself cost 94 mil. I'll link you to my Inara, but bear in mind, I'm primarily combat-focused, so I don't get worried about entering a dogfight with 150 mil in my hold: you might feel differently. Running from pirates is also a perfectly feasible option, too.

Mining Python: (very basically engineered. The only thing you'll lose is jump range, which isn't a deal breaker and you should be working on that at least by now)

How To Not Be A Complete Asshole
Sign up for Inara and then download "ED: Market Connector". Run it every time you're in-game. The reason we know the best prices for selling our shit is because other people do this, too. Links below.

Welcome to the game. Happy Getting Rich Quick. :)
(*Disclaimer: I am not actually this cool.)
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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby EradicationGod » Sat Dec 28, 2019 1:26 pm

Thank you CMDR's for your input,

Most tools are already in use, special thanks to CMDR Sockfiddler for the EDSM link, that one was still new.... I did register and am now using their API plugin EDMC.

So far I managed to mine some painite, using the mining tool link. But it takes a loooong time ...hihi...
Well, I guess if I would stop wasting my money on buying and trying new ships...I might be able to strike it rich someday....lolzz...

Thank you again and hopefully we see each other in space some time soon...lolz
CMDR EradicationGod

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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby SockFiddler » Sat Dec 28, 2019 2:37 pm

SockFiddler wrote:"...grind and, potentially, die a lot for a while."

Literally the first thing I said. The choice is yours, really. Get on with it or fuck around with new ships. Your call ;)

* By the way: "Grim Reaper" is the gayest name for a vulture ever. And not gay like "YAS KWEEN!" *hair flick*, but-full on CMDR Kharma dry humping his Asp X when his mail-order bride realises there's only 10 days left until she can safely divorce his arse and so refuses to go anywhere near his limp peanut, leaving him with the hard choice** between angry InCel ranting on 4Chan or the resumption of his auto-technophilia fetishes and, honestly, even his Asp X is looking to file for divorce at this point.

That's what "Grim Reaper" makes me think of.

**I lied: it's not a hard choice. In fact, he refuses to make a choice at all and so regularly indulges in both activities. Often combining them in impressively imaginative ways that would blow your mind faster than I escalated this post in an attempt to make you understand how awful a ship name "Grim Reaper" is.

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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Sat Dec 28, 2019 5:39 pm



My asp loves me...…..

And you love "Peanut" "Butter"...….


Tor.....Hold on.......Tor.......Wait a bit.....TOR will you stop fecking firing.......Ok......Tor I know a therapist that can help you....... :D My Cmdr also has small feet

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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby EradicationGod » Sun Dec 29, 2019 2:42 pm

With all do respect CMDR SockFiddler...

I don't even understand half of that analogy, but hey, whatever floats your boat...

Again thanks for the help earlier, but I'm not really liking your last post so much, calling me or my ship or it's name, whatever, "gayest"...
Who gives a rats ass what anyone would call their ships, it's up to the one who grinded and payed for it ingame, in the end....

Anyway, thanks again for your help earlier...
CMDR EradicationGod

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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Mon Dec 30, 2019 6:28 pm

Chill geez...……

Most of them comments were directed at me...…….

But be careful with names...…...Either Cmdr or ship if you play in open...…..

You may think they do not matter...…..But in certain instances they do...…….

With the ones you have, for some people it's an instant bullseye painted on your ship...…….

Especially with what your combat rank Inara is showing...…..

If you play in Mobius all the time you will be fine...……….

In open someone with duel level 5 engineered plasmas is gonna think.....Really...…..That's a bold statement.....Let's see......

This is the first multiplayer game I have played...…

In open......Some people are very nasty...…….

Tor.....Hold on.......Tor.......Wait a bit.....TOR will you stop fecking firing.......Ok......Tor I know a therapist that can help you....... :D My Cmdr also has small feet

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Re: New CMDR lost... seeking help

Postby EradicationGod » Mon Dec 30, 2019 11:27 pm

CMDR Kharma

I'm sorry if I felt offended, but it's just a name that's cool imho and suits the craft....
I don't play open and I am certainly not challenging anyone anytime

Maybe also like I stated before, I didn't get the analogy CMDR SockFiddler made, maybe because I'm Dutch ;-)

I just like to be creative and give my own personal touch to the crafts I use in any game....
It takes me around 30-45 mins on average to come up with a suitable name, at least suitable in my own opinion.... ;-)
CMDR EradicationGod

Greetz from the Netherrealms... :evil:


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