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Postby Zetr0 » Wed Apr 28, 2021 7:44 pm

please add me to discord

Zetr0 #2037

We have a main chat for the group

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Postby SCIGHOST » Wed Apr 28, 2021 9:08 pm

Thanks for the awesome session tonight guys. Was great fun!

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Postby tinnitus » Sat May 01, 2021 1:30 am

Zetr0 wrote:I am just jumping my Fleet Carrier closer to Dav's

How is the Fleet Carrier working out for you, Is it what you thought it would be not sure if I want to dive into FC ownership. Great to see so many at distance sectors that is a big plus for me.

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Postby Zetr0 » Sat May 01, 2021 9:03 am

Greetings Commnader tinnitus -o7-

tinnitus wrote:How is the Fleet Carrier working out for you, Is it what you thought it would be not sure if I want to dive into FC ownership. Great to see so many at distance sectors that is a big plus for me.

OOooff! theres some questions, so much pressure lets break it down ;)

1. How is the Fleet Carrier working out for you?

A: Over all its great, they do have short commings but the best way I can describe is as this -

Detail :
    I have all of my fleet ( which is more than I need ) all in "ANY" one place
    I have AX and Mining outfitting available providing a mobile base of operations for
    Pirate Hunting
    AX Hunting
    Rescue Missions ( re: Burining Statons )
    Mining : Surface, Laser and Core
    Community Goal base of Opertaion

I also use it to get closer to Engineers when I have a few vessels that need a little more engineering ( from the same Engineer )
I also use it as a Giant Backpack for Guardian Relics, rare goods and non purchaseable mining ores e.g. Clatherite, Bromolite, Praesodynium, Sumarium etc - and then when a missions comes up with a good material payout - e.g. 25 Momo-Hydrate Crystals, for 5 Bitotech Conductors - I trade those in for that.

Having a Mobile base of opertaions allows some vessels to be extremely focused, e.g. Combat and Mining vessels, as I can jump the carrier into or very close to the system at hand. that way I don't need a Fuel Scoop or Guardian FSD booster, I can save weight and improve speed with lower class fuel tanks and even low-engineered Frame Ship Drives.

I also use the Carrier to help friends / squad and have been looking into the "Fleet Owners Club" on discord

So thats how the fleet carrier is working for me, I am glad I put down something like $8,000,000,000 with all the trimmings and I would do it again, infact when I was in colonia I missied my Carrier I was looking into buying another - sadly you can only have one =(

Another option with a fleet carrier is in offering a point of sale for things like Painite or Platinium. ores etc -while i am not interested in offering this service at the moment I have the option too.

2. Is it what you thought it would be?

A: Yes and No

Yes in the sense that its a Giant Back Pack and Swiss army knife of mobile operations for all my fleet! - it does have its short commings - e.g. -

    1: When you buy modules to stock on the Carrier - and say you want some of these in a build - you as the owner have to "buy them again"

    2: Services and Stock can take up a lot of space -
    Currently with the ALL the Services and Module Stock on my Carrier - I have about 5,000 tons left for cargo it has 25,000 tons without services

I suppose outside of all the fluff and lore, the best way to view a fleet carrier is that is a way to take money out of the game by offering convenience to the player.

    Such that with all the services its about $25,000,000 per week in upkeep, and if you jump the carrier with the cost of fuel and hull repair its about $1,500,000 per jump additional.

    Now that might sound like a lot, but I promise its insignificant to the buying cost of $5,500,000,000 for a basic carrier, ( which has about an $11,000,000 per week running cost )

    So to some, especially early game, that is a lot of money, but I spend more that a full up keep price on the missions boards when "donating" to factions after a refresh!

    My Cutter can make $14,000,000 credits in just 1 station hop and 680tons of the right commodity,
    A simple 30 Missions target for Pirate hunting is worth $30,000,000 credits + mats + bounties ( aprx $10,000,000 ) and thats about 45 minutes worth of effort with my Corvette or 50 ish minutes of screaming fun in my Engineered Vulture!
The point I am making is as follows

1. What else are you going to spend your money on?

I have spent about $8,000,000,000 credits on a Carrier and its Services ( no you really don't need 'em all - just nice to have e.g. black market )
I have about $4,000,000,000 credits stored on the Carirer and about $3,800,000,000 on my character - a slow week will see a credit increase of $500,000,000 credits with a typical week ( with missions and shared WING payouts ) of about $1,250,000,000 credits

I have an inordinate amount of vessels ( 27 ) of which there are 5 freaking Anaconda's a further 4 Pythons becuase I am to lazy to module swap ;)

It is nice to scope a system 1000 light years from, being of the knowning that - if you need it - you can have your whole Fleet with you in 40 minutes.....

I would recommend to join up with the Commanders Reunion and Logic_Me's Discord as thats were we all hang out and help each other get a bit more from the Game - currently we are just finishing up the Formadine Rift Mystery ( some 14,000 LY from the bubble ) a big shout out to our squad Commander Condor77 that jumped his Fleet Carrier some 10,000 LY to start us off in this direction so we could investigate and complete this mystery -

The Zurara, a Project Dynasty Megaship some 14,000 light years from the bubble.....

I hope all that rambling helps Commander and I hope to see you out here in the black -o7-

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Postby tinnitus » Sat May 01, 2021 1:46 pm

Thank-you Commander, you hit all the pros and cons I have read regarding Fleet Carrier. Carriers appear to be a huge success a big boon for our amazing game. I did tinker with one during beta in April 2020 and can afford a Carrier. I used the Fleet Carrier Calculator located in the CMDRS Toolbox it spit out an annual upkeep cost of approx 1.4 billion. That was the reason I recently visited Robigo and pulled 1.4 billion from there in a few days, but the Carrier can earn her own cost. I believe INARA has a listing of 14 or 15 thousands carriers, that list is incomplete. FDEV should include missions for commanders to purchase or transport cargo from "A" to Fleet Carrier "X" that is something my Cutter would do. Today, I'm going to be a player that supports Carriers, I like the docking style the way it should be. Thank-you for your information and time.

“In real life you never get to say "OMG I died, balls to wall and fly her apart.”

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