Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby ollobrains » Thu Feb 26, 2015 8:35 pm

Those trade tools look good.
I'll add it and get to updating the data
Looks like a civil war between 2 of the minor factions fired to. As long as it doesnt fire for PCI my understanding is we can still trigger expansion or boom which are both in the pending coloum

Seems there for allied to PCI pilots missions asking for credits, not sure if these are bugged or not but the ones asking for 10,000 and 40000 credits feel free to toss em some credits so they can invest in whatever they invest in probably military forces.

Make sure that the system authority ships youre kiling arent PCI though that could be prolmenatin for standings as they are the system authority. I expect the outcome will be one minor faction is reduced to 0% or so and the other one rises to 3-4% but lets keep pushing PCI forward. Looks like we have some nearby actives who are working for some of the minor federation factions but not in pand, montet i believe it is. For now it isnt an issue, if youre in that area feel free to accept missions from all factions there including the minor ones. In HR ive been doing missions for the other 3 factions and trying where possible to avoid Jet dynamics i think it is, the aim there is to keep a fairly even balance of power for all factions in those nearby systems so that when PCI expands we arent up against a dominant faction.

The Elite forums group for PCI has gotten so big but i think a lot of the posters are just passing through and not in it for the long term so im going to watch it.

Again if youre a new or experienced pilot here and want somewhere to go outside of the core systems, feel welcome to come up to pand and say hi and let us play the environment with a long term metagame goal

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby orgtest » Fri Feb 27, 2015 12:58 am

Gaige Vandire wrote:
orgtest wrote:Hey Guys! Would just like to mention just in case anyone missed it that the http://inara.cz/ companion is the bolloks.

For data it involves us putting stations and market data in but it is brilliant so i might suggest we all look at it and compile mass data for Pand and all neighbouring systems.

Yes this will take a while but it would be a vital tool for keeping track of everything when the expansion bugs are worked out!

Had a quick look at inara and it looks pretty. Certainly a lot of data can be captured. Couldn't see if it's possible to use eliteOCR, do you know if it is?

I've been using http://elitetradingtool.co.uk/ with eliteOCR just because it takes a couple of minutes to grab all the commodities market data straight off the screen and import it as csv.

I'm happy to switch efforts to inara if it's easier and better.

Not sure if it does use eliteocr!

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby ollobrains » Fri Feb 27, 2015 4:08 am

Elite trading tools should be given a delayed access to a xml feed from the database to make them more accurate, as i think frontier will make the markets even more dynamic over time, i was there today and have donated 1.5 million to PCI through the interface of donation missions.
Im waiting to see if it has any impact Dropped off more exploration data to. I think we are about to max out the influence or struggle to go higher.
The group on the forums continues to roll along. Zeeman has it in control, im also doing some small promotion on reddit to get pand known within the realms of not getting to much opposition attention. So things are going well though the options are limited. Expansion and boom remain targets. Massive amounts of exploration data are still needed. Things are going well

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby ollobrains » Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:05 am

95% influence now

Friends of Pand has dropped to 0%. The other two factions are 2% each both at civil war, looks like they are fighting each other to the death until one remains. Seems tantalum from Sport to raligeh is fetching a whole 110 per unit. I was on my way to donate 40k credits to PCI, so if peeps have some spare funds feel free to drop those in. Not a lot just enough to tickle the simulation.

If anyone that is watching this thread is interested and has ideas how we can jazz it up or what it would take to get u interested let us know

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby ollobrains » Fri Feb 27, 2015 8:36 am

Once the civil war is over id like to push PCIs influence right up

This is a bit of a side mission but, exploration data is worth heaps in terms of infulence so if you have an exploration ship with a decent defense capacity, jump range and u can fit the advanced dsicovery scanner and the detailed surface scanner ( the only one in game) within 100LY im going to try and map every uncharted system and body. Probably one sector by one sector at a time (but more than 20LY from pand) and turn all that data into PCI

Cause there is or was some developer chatter that down the track, data turned into specific factions, will allow those factions to generation of events and expansion. Its all tracked by the database at frontier now, its just not used yet. So this is a bit of future proofing but a reckon 10-20 of us turning in large amounts of data can probably push 100% and another expansion trigger attempt

I just got to SPort in pand and for the first time ever im seeing 4 anaconda system defense force ships belongong to PCI just floating around the station. That might just show the background sim working, while 2 factions ar at civil war, PCI pulls out massive anacondas to defend its 2 stations

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby Barefoot Bandit » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:24 am

Hey Ollo - Zeeman here, just FYI.

Shame I'm not able to join in the fun right now! Typical that the guy with the weaponised Python is on holiday in the middle of a civil war! Still, interesting to see what will go down - I'm curious if the Anacondas are scanning incoming ships to the ports? Could be a small issue for anyone carrying anything illegal, though otherwise, it's pretty cool to see!

I'm very curious to see where all this heads.

I've downloaded (finally) ED on my Mac air, there is some issue with some missing file I'm trying to sort out, hopefully I'll get it going and will be able to donate the 40k cr and do some trade/exploration (no combat without my HOTAS - the Python rebuy is way too much to risk!).


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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby ollobrains » Fri Feb 27, 2015 9:52 am

Welcome zeeman well the group on the offical forums is now youres, i expect it will gather self sustaining speed. Any regular peeps that become regulars in pand point them in this direction as well. Ill get the group going here, i liked the 74 ship transits yesterday numbers are going up. Hope youre having a good holiday.
You can make a little annoucement that ive put u in charge of the pand group on the main forums if u like.

Yeah i got a mission to kill 9 warzone targets, wnt there and they are all PCI ships so doh. Ive done a few of those donation missions to PCI for credits. I think weve done enough that theyve successfuly upgraded their navy to include system defense vessels in the last 36 hours even before the war went live, i think this is a sign the background simulation is working a little bit more than we thought it might be. Ths cioud die in with the background wealth indicator of a faction. I read an ol dev blog from the beta testing phase last year where a comment was made about what the background consisted of then, and each minor faction has a total value. this is affected by assets owned ( station, npc traders, their navy etc) and if they dont own a station they have a system wide asset value anyway ( so booms where welath an development go up) and expansion where wealth ges up and development goes down ( funding the expansion).

So another goal is simply to make them wealthier and wealthier and heck we might even start to see capital ships ( now that the devs have activated or fine tuned the capital ship/community goal thing).

If ya need to talk to me drop by and say hello, im doing some experiments with differnte things in the background simulator or attempting to tease out observations. So i might have more information in the next few days. Im using a few of the nearby quite systems as test beds

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby ollobrains » Fri Feb 27, 2015 6:00 pm

Went to one of the warzones, wasnt able to complete the mission not enough spawned. Was interesting however, the mechanic obviously needs more bug fixings, more workings and a bit more variety.

It looks like the boom for PCI has ended, there will be a 2-3 day cooldown timer. Looks like one of the minor factions has civil war pending, and the other one doesnt. Ideally id like to push all 3 to 0% and leave them there or have them disappear but i dont think the devs have allowed yet for the disappearence of a faction or the apperaence of new ones.

Boom is also pending for PCi again, expansion is in the pending state column as well, compared to the original design goals theres about 30 odd unique states that havent been implemented which would make things much more interesting, maybe down the track.

So for now i would think if we aim to push boom by whatever trading means so happen, exploration data would help expansion so keep turning those in. The combat stuff as well, no update this week ie bug fixing or anything else which is interesting. Maybe today if devs get off the PR machine. Would be nice to have the bugs with the background sim addressed oh well

Expansion would be really ncie it would most likley enable us to move int oa second solar system. Apart from exploration data and raising wealth and development im not sure what else contributes apart from trade. Speaking of trade lets if anyone has room more of the technology sub group (HE suits, reasonators etc) that might help our development index, its some of the best return profits to pand from other nearby areas. Keep our fingers crossed for a new outpost from the current community goal down there in lambda androdamae in the next few weeks.

Feel free again to join us we now have about 20-30 regular partipcants, theres a group on reddit, the offical forums and here. Thats growing daily the more the merrier. Well im off to bed have a good playtime everyone

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby Dielos » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:01 pm

Is the war gone already or is it still going on? Wanted to outfit my ASP with better shields...

If trading is the better option now, I'll keep the cargo racks then. I can also do some exploring around. I have everything needed for short range exploring, including weapons for pesky NPC's.

What is going to help influence expansion the most?

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Re: Purple Central Industries - Pand solar system group

Postby Entropius » Fri Feb 27, 2015 7:29 pm

Joined Mobius today, went to Pand today around 6.00 pm join in the group conquest. I flew around for about 45 minutes without seeing even one other player. Am I doing something wrong?

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