CMDR Mel Corium

Welcome Commander! Introduce yourself in here.
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CMDR Mel Corium

Postby Corium » Fri Sep 19, 2014 9:16 pm

Good day Commanders,

I'm Mel Corium, more commonly called Corium as I seem to key in to that name more so than my actual name. I'm a mid-twenties gamer, married, with a dog- no kids, unless you consider the dog as a kid like we do :D .

I've been playing Elite for a few months and looking forward to it for a couple of decades as it was one of the pinnacle video games of my youth that drove me into the gaming industry to the depth that I'm at now.

Within the universe I find myself surrounded by others of my tastes, explorers and law keepers. I'm an avid Eranin sympathizer hence anything related to the upcoming 30th anni will keep my eyes consistently glued to the forums/Galnet/and social media.

I'm from the US, mid south area near the state line of TN and MS. So if I sound like a typical american scum bag, then that's probably because I am, just not a scumbag.

Hope to see you all in the stars!

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Re: CMDR Mel Corium

Postby Mobius » Fri Sep 19, 2014 11:11 pm

lol dogs are nothing like kids, my advice is if your thinking of having them get it done now, as you will only prolong the suffering, plus if you do then putting your kids artwork on your fridge is miles better than posting cute pictures of dogs on reddit. :D

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Re: CMDR Mel Corium

Postby GlobusDiablo » Sat Sep 20, 2014 9:22 am

Ha! Welcome aboard Commander.

"who's scruffy lookin'?.."... :)

Have to go. Got me some nerfs to herd...

Fly safe! :)

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