What are you doing (ingame) now?

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby tinnitus » Thu Nov 26, 2020 5:35 pm

Looks like fun had by all open is a good way to do this.

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby zeeber85 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 2:10 am

currently crying since the mining nerf since now I'm a little lost with how I want to make credits. I could outfit my python to go to Robigo and do passenger missions, go explore in my DBX, or find a use for my Cutter, but overall I enjoyed mining and watching my credit balance go up lol. I'm sitting on 2.4 billion and I was hoping to get a fleet carrier by the end of the month but now it's going to take a bit longer.

I think I'm probably going to get engineering mats and do that

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby Zetr0 » Sat Nov 28, 2020 10:47 am

Greetings Commander zeeber85

This sounds all to familiar -

This last week since the Monday "Nerfing" - instead of mining for a Carrier, to then being demoralized over the loss of value - I went full hog on Engineering Materials and upgrades, well as many as I can squeeze out of Grandma Felicity - so now running 4 maxed out *atleast from Farseer Researc Inc. ships -

#3306.11.28 - Flying football pitches everyday!

#3306.11.28 - Oh So Pretty... I couldn't resist this fawning shot

My exploration Krait Mk2 "Pytheas", a Gun-a-Aconda "Troubled Wake", My Glorius Python "Halcyon Run" and a Cobra Mk3 "Serphin" this little beast has a station sale price of $6.5Million space credits ( yeah its like a tinker project!!! ).

#3306.11.28 - As a fellow Pilot once said to me long long ago... "she don't look like much, but she's got it where it counts kid!"

After all that, yesterday, I started grinding Federal Rank in my Glorious Python since I really want the Federal Corvet.... Initially I wasn't overly interested in one, but there was a meet earlier this week and I saw one in the flesh / SRV for the first time..... ITS HUGE.... so now I am getting one.... just need the rank...

#3306.11.28 - The more time I spend with this Glorious Machine the more love I feel fo it..

Oh man its a grind..... even when brib*... errr... *ahem I mean renumerating officials with many millions of credits.....

Once I have the Rank and 'vett, my plan is to see if I can get some fellow Commanders together so we can go Void Opal Mining (VOM) in and as a wing - with 3 or more we should be able to farm up a fuss indeed - Heck, even just two we would be enjoying a multitude or profits.

I plan to take my Mine-a-Conda "Atlas" and ironically either the Glorious Python or Gun-a-Conda to do the sale runs since they both have over 30Ly ranges.

Commander if you are interested in forming or helping to form up a Mining Wing, then please add me to your friends list CMDR: ZETERON ) - I am sure we can find a couple of hours for some serious fun and profit.

Safe journeys out there Commander o7

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby TorTorden » Sat Nov 28, 2020 11:56 am

zeeber85 wrote:currently crying since the mining nerf since now I'm a little lost with how I want to make credits. I could outfit my python to go to Robigo and do passenger missions, go explore in my DBX, or find a use for my Cutter, but overall I enjoyed mining and watching my credit balance go up lol. I'm sitting on 2.4 billion and I was hoping to get a fleet carrier by the end of the month but now it's going to take a bit longer.

I think I'm probably going to get engineering mats and do that

Currently laughing my head off from all the weeping over the, finally taken seriously, mining nerf.

Honestly Fc's has been the least beneficial expansion on the game, you've dodged a bullet there.

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby Zetr0 » Sun Nov 29, 2020 12:58 am

@Commander TorTorden

Not sure if taken delight from some one elses upset is a good thing, and certainly something I couldn't nor would condone - especially when they have done nothing to harm yourself.

The Mining Nerf
I am of the mind that; of all the bugs, issues and problems with Elite they decided to attack the one player base that played the longest, hardest and of those that are stall warts the player base, often professing to others the delights of Elite. These players are those that think nothing of sinking 4 hours play-time for a couple of mining runs - just to buy the next ship or upgrade.

Considering all the other problems, bugs, instance issues and woeful game breaking imbalancing this was singled out - miners were singled out - not gankers, spawn trolls or other massively broken, borked, redundant items of play.

So yeah... kinda feels a stab in the back and an utter shit show from the Devs to be honest.

Imagine that your way to grind money in the game, you had detailed and spent money / time on ship(s) and equipment - curtailed your style of play, only to have your efforts devalued by nearly 40% over night.

Could you Imagine the up roar if this happend in another profession - e.g. a $4m Credit "25 multi-craft kill bounty" would now only be worth $2.4M Space Credits - your still taking all the same actions, all the same cautions all the same equipment and costs only to be rewarded substantiall less.

Why didn't FDev increment "Buffs" to other professsions first? perhaps even enticements to get players to transist..... they dont want to... its that simple...

To take any amusement a large part of the player base struggling with this is simply wrong - less of all saying that this part of the player-base deserves it.
Fleet Carriers

I appreciate that you feel the the implementation of Fleet Carriers is not beneficial to the game, and while for the most part I share that descriptive it in no way makes me want one any less and if someone is working and busting their ass to grind that - only to have that grind doubled over night... doesn't garner a thank you to the Devs for doing that to them.

I await to see if FDev follows though with their promise of "Buffing" the other professions.... I have serious doubt that they will do whats needed since they cannot get their PWS fixed..... its like they don't care.... FDev wants a LIVE game but their actions certainly don't show that.

Now this post has become a bit a rant, sorry for that....

I have managed to make Lt. Commander - not long now...... and that Vett is MINE!

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby Zetr0 » Wed Dec 02, 2020 10:12 am

Greetings Commanders o7

Got a new promotion at work -

#3306.12.02 - It was a quite the days grind those days

Now part of the Admiralty!! kinda makes me "The Man" now I guess.... anyway it was quite some work - but I got a new Company Vehicle to go with it..

The Apocalypse
#3306.12.02 - Sadly not the sports package spoiler as yet...

Not going to lie, its took a day just jumping about and researching all the closest places for A rated internals and weapon load outs

[b]3306.12.02 - Apocalyspe.... Moving.... Oddly enough there are no line jumpers at the star-ports these days[/b]

She has handles surprisingly well in turns and manouverablity - if you like the 'Conda this fells like one of those on steroids!

with more Hardpoints than I have power for and more Optional Internal Space than several footbal pitches she only only lacks in the "Jump Range" department but currently she sports all A rated Core Internals. She has modest thuster Engineering, and this will change soon when I get back from Gramdma Felicity's in my glorious Python.

#3306.12.02 - taking only 6 jumps in the "Halcyon Run" from GCRV 1568 to Deciat - feels quite naughty! -

Took a little break on the way swapping out a 3A for a 4A Fuel Scoop. While there was a 15% surcharge - remember to support your own local sellers ;)

After getting the FSD range boost plans from Grandma and pinning them in my ship - when I get back this vessel will finally get an "acceptable" Jump Range Incrementation.

#3306.12.2 - Thers no doubt about it, it looks really good in black or *Tactical Graphite* as it says on the paint tin.

While sadly I don't see an ACDC track called "Back in Tactical Graphite" any time soon, my next adventure is the Guardian FSD range booster.... because that completes the FSD upgrades.

But first, perhaps after some sector / system policing in the Apocalypse.

Stay Safe out there Commanders RAdm: ZETERON o7

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby tinnitus » Wed Dec 02, 2020 4:32 pm

I sold my Vette but she with Engineering and a Guardian FSD Booster Combat ready hit a jump between 30-34LY. A huge Vette fan friend said his Vette's advantages are 2 huge mounts placement, slightly a tad more agile, good hull tank, is a warship and joking said her disadvantages are her 2 huge mounts means no large mounts. :) Congrats I know it is a grind for Rear Admiral .

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby Zetr0 » Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:54 am

Greetings Commanders - o7!
Part (1)
As a new RAdm I was commisioned by the Federal Navy to investigate the ruins of HD 63154 - B 3 A for technologies the federation could use. Command had noted increased traffic activity in the area, considering how far from the bubble it is, they suspected Imperial incursion into the area.

Times are fraught and Command needed to know more, so they sent me.

Due to the sensitive political nature of these Ancient Ruins, I was not to be provided with a federal ship, so I used a commercially registerd vessel - the "Troubled Wake"

Initial Commander Report (ICR)
RAdm. ZETERON Federal Navy(ICR) #3306.xx.xxImage

After discovering the Ancient Ruins on the First moon of the 3rd Body, I set the Trouble Wake down as close as I dared. Its an errie planet, it feels like I have walked into a last refuge or last stand off.

While exceptionally dead and done some thousands of years ago, it feels as though something it boiling under the surface.

(ICR) #3306.xx.xxImage

Dusting off the old SRV I ventured further into the ruins, surprised at the amount of structure that has lasted over 8,000 years. Driving around I discovered Relic towers breaking up from the ground in a rumble. Taken a back by this I nearly missed the internal alarm of the SRV that I was under attack from an ancient drone weapon.

(ICR) #3306.xx.xxImage

Clearing out the drones with the SRV blasters from the ruins I discoverd 2 further Relics, but thats not the only thing I found. At the center of this structure is a machine or factory of sorts. I set about analysing and discovered, quite by accident, 6 Power / Data pylons that broke from the grounds surface within the ruins.

Something indeed stirs beneath the surface.

The intensity of the Drone attacks continued, I dispatched them as quickly as I could, with the Trouble Wake close by using its powerul point defense turrets destroying the drones missiles the moment they launched.

At this time Federal Command, I surmise that these drones are either part of a large ancient cache or manufactured on site by the machine at the center of the ruins.

(ICR) #3306.xx.xxImage

After powering up the Data/Power pylons, I used the SRV's blasters - who would of thought that was compatible eh? but I suppose that beats running cables from Troubled Wake to power them. I placed a Relic at the center, in front of the machine, since the Relic looks like a power crystal and fits exactly the apature.

It certainly was a guess, and I am sure that some entity somewhere forsaw a moment when a hairless ape smashes a hexagonal crystal in a small apature.

Then there was a deafening rumbling and humming from the machine ahead of me... a light show of Plasma and Electricity arced all around, I am glad I was in the SRV and not on foot at this point. After what seemed an age, appearing from within the center of the machine a large floating glowing metalic orb appeared, about the size of a Nav Beacon.

Using the SRV Data Link I scanned as much as I could before it retreated back to the safety of the machines innards. What a treasure I recieved, so much data, combined with some of the artifacts and additional data scans, my mission is a success!

Internal Troubles

I got back to the Troubled Wake and was instantly met with a critical power failure, all systems shuting down..

Only 21 minutes of life support -
I am so pleased I bought that A grade Life Support and sacrficed some jump distance!

But why, I had over 16 hours of fuel, perhaps the Power Plant was over taxed with the duration I was at the ruins, perhaps a fuel leak? did I leave the coffee machine on again?. I raked my brains trying to think what it might of been as the ship was checked at the Space Dock some 400 Light Years ago - nothing like this was noted.

But without fuel and without power, I had barely enough to fire off a communication to some old friends The Fuel Rats.

Using an old style communication portal, I had just enough power left in the life support system to send out a distress call.

I managed to get to the dispatch communicator and with that I was assigned a RAT - Commander Yuri Voskov -

In the mean time I was able to gimble a power burst from the shield batteries of the 2 SRV's stored in thier bay. This was a one shot thing, wasn't sure if this would blow the condiut, the SRV's chemical batteries or feedback to the Fusion Plant.... I was Desperate.

I used this single burst of power to implement a Zero Horizon Gravity Bounce Inversion ( ZH-GBI ) technique - ( Refer to your Pilots Training Manual if you cannot remember that one. It was something my old gunner Nomna told me... well it was more like, you didn't RTFM did you? ).

After firing the power from the SRV's shield cell batteries into the ships main shield capacitor and FSD bank - the inverse gravitational push managed to get the Troubled Wake into orbit - albiet a rapidly decaying one... Success!!. I will take it! But as a mental note - I am going to really need some Nickel and probably two new SRV's.

So the manouver puts the "Troubled Wake" a fair few kilometers from the moons surface but not out of its gravity, and with absolutely no power the ship is falling to the moon.

Only 16 minutes of Life Support left
Around 15 Minutes before moon impact

... I marveled at my cleverness, only to realise that its now only a race and the victor equals the same result.

Within 10 minutes Commander Yuri Yoskov arrived, started refueling proceedures, and then the Power Plant of the Troubled Wake came alive, she had been losing altitude rapidly to the moon - and without shields, thrusters or power - there was only going to be one outcome if I didn't suffocate first.

Commander Yuri Yoskov saved my life, my ship and the whole expidition!!

Thank you Commander Yuri Yoskov - o7

Galactic Civilization
(ICR) #3306.xx.xxImage

After making it back to civilization, I manged to decypher the data that had been found with the help of a local technology broker. We discovered a module that can be built extending the ships jump ranged, upto 10 Light Years!

I also discovered that the power failure of my ship "Trouble Wake" was no accident or oversight on my part, but active sabotage.

I contacted Fleet Command with my discoveries and was informed that, along with the data I provided, it confirmed that a criminal gang operating from the Robigo System has been trading in stolen Ancient Guardian artifacts and are the culprits behind the sabotage of the Troubled Wake.

I was able to maintain my cover, as an unfortunate Xeno Archologist Dr. I Jones, from Terra Firma - provided the papers the Federal Navy aquired for me.

Since then - I finished my initial report to command and commenced my return journey to GCRV 1568 for a full debrifing, additional repairs and some R & R amongst the 'roids to pick up Nickel of all things.

However this time, it was a fair fewer jumps now that I have access to a 5H Guardian FSD Booster!

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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby Trinity Star » Mon Dec 07, 2020 11:46 pm

Got to Elite on the freebie Epic account:


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Re: What are you doing (ingame) now?

Postby Zetr0 » Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:42 am

@Commander Trinity Star - o7

Thats some fine work!

And an impressive speed to obtain an Elite Profession - since the Epic accounts have been out barely two weeks.

Impressive work indeed - o7

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