Where Is Everyone?

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Where Is Everyone?

Postby Capricos » Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:24 pm

Mobius was full, and I am in Mobius PVE private group. It says there are nearly 17,000 members. I've come across maybe a handful of other players, and most refused friend requests, or didn't respond to a hello. I operate out of Jameson Memorial, and rarely play more than 100 ly away from it.
Basically, what is the point of this group? I can play without being worried about being jumped or pvp'd in solo. I've played in open since launch and have only been interdicted or had someone try to do something stupid only a few times.
I liked the non-pvp unless in a CZ of Mobius.
But, quite honestly, where is the population? Where are the players? Why do people tend to blow others off?
I think I completely misconstrued the point of this group. I was under the impression that the group was people that like the MMO aspect without the pvp. Saying hello and being friendly to people you come across, and not blowing them off and ignoring them.

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Roger Wilco Jr
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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby Roger Wilco Jr » Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:44 pm

I don't know why people join this group and then ignore other players.

But the point of the group is that you can find other players to play with, but it may take some effort. I image it is much the same in open, but at least you don't need to worry about being killed by other players if you are not interested in PvP.

I think down in the member's area there is an in-game friends list you can join. Then you can fly to where those players are and they probably won't blow you off. I think 2.3 will help also, since all bounties and etc. will be duplicated, instead of shared, so there will be a big credit benefit to winging up (even if it is economically as stupid as socialism). ;)
It's time to give this another go.

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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby TorTorden » Wed Mar 15, 2017 12:57 pm

Roger Wilco Jr wrote:I don't know why people join this group and then ignore other players.

Like most things, I attribute it to the fact that people are idiots.
Roger Wilco Jr wrote:I think down in the member's area there is an in-game friends list you can join. Then you can fly to where those players are and they probably won't blow you off. I think 2.3 will help also, since all bounties and etc. will be duplicated, instead of shared, so there will be a big credit benefit to winging up (even if it is economically as stupid as socialism). ;)

Problem with such lists that have been running since elite was in beta, is they are old, and exceedingly large.

I would also bet half the people on it aren't active anymore.
Mods really should close such threads every three-six months and start fresh ones.
If you still want to be on one, re-up.

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Roger Wilco Jr
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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby Roger Wilco Jr » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:08 pm

TorTorden wrote:
Roger Wilco Jr wrote:I don't know why people join this group and then ignore other players.

Like most things, I attribute it to the fact that people are idiots.

I can't disagree with you there. :lol:

TorTorden wrote:I would also bet half the people on it aren't active anymore.
Mods really should close such threads every three-six months and start fresh ones.
If you still want to be on one, re-up.

+++ for this idea - I might actually use it. My friends list has maybe 200 to 300 people on it and I never see more than a handful in game - usually out of the bubble. I'd love an option to automatically cull your friends list of inactive players, or just clear it and start over with a new list like this, and another option to import it.
It's time to give this another go.

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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby atraangelis » Wed Mar 15, 2017 1:50 pm

Roger Wilco Jr wrote:
TorTorden wrote:
Roger Wilco Jr wrote:I don't know why people join this group and then ignore other players.

Like most things, I attribute it to the fact that people are idiots.

I can't disagree with you there. :lol:

I have sent you (RWJr.) Two freind requests in the last 10 days, and both were declined or not responded to.
Im out in Colonia and aparently so are you, just looking for folks to play with. Im in Mobius PVE

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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby Judson » Wed Mar 15, 2017 2:31 pm

I think the social aspect of the game has always been really lacking! Other points of contact are needed to fill this gap. This forum, Inara, TS, Discord, Facebook & twitter are all in this category. Take your pick! :D

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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby GlobusDiablo » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:01 pm

Capricos wrote:Mobius was full, and I am in Mobius PVE private group. It says there are nearly 17,000 members. I've come across maybe a handful of other players, and most refused friend requests, or didn't respond to a hello. I operate out of Jameson Memorial, and rarely play more than 100 ly away from it.
Basically, what is the point of this group? I can play without being worried about being jumped or pvp'd in solo. I've played in open since launch and have only been interdicted or had someone try to do something stupid only a few times.
I liked the non-pvp unless in a CZ of Mobius.
But, quite honestly, where is the population? Where are the players? Why do people tend to blow others off?
I think I completely misconstrued the point of this group. I was under the impression that the group was people that like the MMO aspect without the pvp. Saying hello and being friendly to people you come across, and not blowing them off and ignoring them.

Welcome aboard Commander.

I consider Mobius group a PvE environment where I can play without the risk of being ganked/griefed/interdicted/whatever by other hostile commanders (except CZs of course). I don't expect other commanders to be friendly or chatty. Some are though. :)

I suppose you're most likely to meet other commanders at the usual places. CGs, Azrael (home of TOoM: The Order of Mobius), Engineers, and maybe Shinrarta.

I'm usually doing my own odd thing (mostly in beta atm, and sometimes in Open), but I always acknowledge a hail or friend request while in Mobius group.

Fly safe Commander. :)

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Roger Wilco Jr
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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby Roger Wilco Jr » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:11 pm

atraangelis wrote:Ummm...
I have sent you (RWJr.) Two freind requests in the last 10 days, and both were declined or not responded to.
Im out in Colonia and aparently so are you, just looking for folks to play with. Im in Mobius PVE

Did you send those to RWJ, or to Dysonn? I changed my name when I cleared my save. There are other RW's out there.

In any case, I haven't seen them, and I have never declined a friend request. However, I don't recall the last time I was in 2.2, and it may have been more than 10 days ago. I have been futzing around in 2.3 beta, but other than 10 minutes last night trying a graphics override setting, I haven't even played that since last Thursday. It's just one of those unexplained breaks that occasionally sneak up on me. I did plan on going back into the live game tonight, so I'll see if there is a FR waiting. :)

IIRC, my D-rated Viper is parked in Mobia, and I had planned on heading back to Colonia to pick up my mining T6, but plans can change.
It's time to give this another go.

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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby atraangelis » Wed Mar 15, 2017 3:42 pm

I sent to Dysonn as it shows here on the forums. (CMDR: Dysonn)
Ya , im not int 2.3 yet. Not a beta tester.

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Re: Where Is Everyone?

Postby Macklroy » Wed Mar 15, 2017 6:17 pm

Like Jud said. The social tools in Elite are far from sufficient for a true MM social interaction.

Just yesterday I received a o7 in chat just as I was jumping out of the system. Tried to send a friend request to the cmdr so that i could respond. But did not get a reply.

I try to hail any cmdr at least with a friendly o7. I play mostly in and around the Azrael system running missions and trade goods for The Order of Mobius faction.

If you are anywhere nearby feel free to add me. I play in Mobius PVE.

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