Multicrew making different amounts of money

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Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby RedQueen » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:32 am

So, a friend of mine and I were multi-crewing in my ship. He was on gunner, and I was of course on helm. I was making easily two times what he was, yet we were both engaging the same targets. I saw him firing. I heard him firing. I heard ships exploding behind and above me.

At one point, frustrated, he checked to see how much he made on a single kill. I made 250k, he made 125k. (roughly on both figures)

Why is he making so much less? Is it because I am higher combat rank than him? I thought we were all going to make the same?
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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby Lanceor » Fri Apr 14, 2017 4:07 am

Yep, it scales with combat rank. :)
Very little game time, but often chatting at work.

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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby RedQueen » Fri Apr 14, 2017 4:21 am

So, effectively, it is more valuable to use your own ship, since we were getting the same credits before multicrew.

We head out to RES (High) areas, and hunt bounties all the time. Him in a Viper, me in a Vulture. With police presence, we take down Anacondas regularly for 130k+. We both get the same credit. Today, with him in my Vulture, I was getting markedly more, but he was getting less than expected. And, of course, since there was only one ship, we weren't killing them as fast.
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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby JohnLuke » Fri Apr 14, 2017 10:44 am

Yes, winged pew pew is more profitable than multi-crew pew pew. Especially since bounties are duplicated now, instead of split among the wing members who attacked the target.

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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby TorTorden » Fri Apr 14, 2017 2:51 pm

Apparently a brain storm feature request.

If an elite combat pilots join your crew, he gets 50% worth. Thats as high as a crewman payout can go now.
Lower rank means lower percentage.

I had a session last night with Loriath, his report stated profits of 800k.
Me as I was helm, he was rocking one of my slf's. Saw a statement of 2.8 million.
He then brought his corvette as well and we had another two res sessions (meaning until we needed reloads) and each almost reaching 5 mil in rewards.

Why where we supposed to multicrew again?

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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby smartroad » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:08 pm

TorTorden wrote:Why where we supposed to multicrew again?

Because it hides the fact that there is nothing new in the game. You are still doing the same thing as we did when the game came out. Obsidian Ant hit on it in one of his videos where he said Frontier are confusing Game Mechanics with Game Play.

Adding multicrew adds nothing to the game really (even less for those of us who tend to play on our own or fly in small ships). Sure it adds a different way of interacting with other players which can be fun, but it hasn't really changed anything within the game. Now we simply have the choice to fight on our own, in a wing or with crew members - no matter how you look at it you are still fighting in exactly the same way.

Sorry, I am just pissed off with the game at the moment. I am trying to get the Sirus permit but finding it REALLY hard as I can't be arsed to just fight (plus I haven't found any res sites in Sirus run systems) and am trying to do missions. But they are either non-exisitant (although loads available but I am not the right rank/friendship level or whatever), really crap payouts or mission types I don't want to do. How is it with a system with a population of over 8 billion+ there are only 5 freaking missions and three of them I am locked out of. Why can't I become known as the guy you go to for service scans/recovery missions, instead of offering me transport missions for flipping biowaste?! You wouldn't call the police to deal with someone having a heart attack!

Sorry gone off topic with my rant :(

Back on topic, the amounts are different because Frontier decided that a novice sitting there and doing nothing as a crew member earning the same as the ships commander wasn't right and would mean everyone would be flying around in big ships. This clearly ignores the fact that to multicrew effectively you need a large ship as you need a number of turrets and/or a fighter bay! Which encourages everyone to want to get large ships!
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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby TorTorden » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:24 pm

I'm fine with the current amount of game play, lacking as it may be.
It is still like crack to me.

So doing things like multi crew when the end result is so limited. Slf's, turrets and missiles.
At the cost of all wing functionality, no srv.
It would be absolutely brilliant if we could have launched a crew man to sneak into a base in an stv, while another provide quick airsupport in an slf, and the helm heavy air support.
That could have led to brilliant game play, new missions etc etc.

But no FD forgets a basic tenent of game design YET AGAIN! That new mechanic needs new content.
Without that it becomes superflous.
And when it comesat the cost of older mechanics that are many times better in every way.
It just get annoying.

Some keep harping, "it is laying groundwork for future content" well for the past three years we have had nothing but groundwork, and no real content.

Just new groundwork breaking gameplay with new bugs.

No this was a bad expansion clear and simple.
Honestly best thing fd could do but arent willing to is retract the whole thing, stop adding big shit nobody wants AND START FIXING THEIR GAME!

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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:26 pm

TorTorden wrote:Why where we supposed to multicrew again?

So I can flick my dried nasal mucus at you.........


Tor.....Hold on.......Tor.......Wait a bit.....TOR will you stop fecking firing.......Ok......Tor I know a therapist that can help you....... :D My Cmdr also has small feet

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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:33 pm

TorTorden wrote:It would be absolutely brilliant if we could have launched a crew man to sneak into a base in an stv, while another provide quick airsupport in an slf, and the helm heavy air support.
That could have led to brilliant game play, new missions etc etc.

Can't remember if you were there or not......

But that is exactly what Lori...Dawg and I done in a wing......

Dawg took a planet based mission......He went in in the SRV and Lori and I were providing directions and air support.....

Worked quite well and was fun.....

Well apart from Dawg not knowing his left from right that is.......


Tor.....Hold on.......Tor.......Wait a bit.....TOR will you stop fecking firing.......Ok......Tor I know a therapist that can help you....... :D My Cmdr also has small feet

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Re: Multicrew making different amounts of money

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Fri Apr 14, 2017 3:59 pm

Not sure what happened there........

Just lost my ship........

Interdicted by a wing of 2 experts.....Vulture and a Ferdie........

Cut through my shields and hull like no ones business........

It would seem I've got a bit rusty......

Although....FPS dropped and was running 28 - 34......Which was a bit weird........It is always above 60.......

Yea that's it..........Bloody computer/FD/Network



Tor.....Hold on.......Tor.......Wait a bit.....TOR will you stop fecking firing.......Ok......Tor I know a therapist that can help you....... :D My Cmdr also has small feet

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