Thargoid Hunting

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Thargoid Hunting

Postby Capricos » Wed Oct 04, 2017 1:44 am

I looked around and didn't see a thread for this, so this seemed as good a spot as any.
Who is out hunting Thargoids?
It's not my only goal, or purpose, however I'm ready to get going with this. I bought and geared (appropriately for thargoids) a Fed Dropship and have it parked near Maia. I wanted to see what was going on with all this before I start re-engineering my larger ships. I liked the extra compartments on the dropship over the gunship, and didn't feel like re-engineering my gunship. I can live without the two small hardpoints.
I play in the Mobius PVE group. Cmdr Capricos, in game. Feel free to send a friend request, look me up, wing me, etc. I transferred a ship out to run back and forth between the bubble, so I'll be ready to go bug hunting at any time.
Let's get a Mobius Extermination crew going.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby o7MJ » Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:27 am

I would put a slight hold on the idéa of hunting Thargoids, as in right now atleast.
Frontier recently nerfed the AX Missles and accoring to the official Elite Dangerous forums, it's is now near impossible to kill them. ... X-Missiles

I'd advise you to wait, at least until the new CG anti-Thargoid weaponary becomes available. But then again, if this previous nerf is 'Thargoid Adapting' to our new weaponry, you'd want to be pretty quick on the new weapons or the same thing might happen again.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby Capricos » Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:35 am

I've read all that, and am aware of it. Which is why I'm looking for wingmates. Nearly impossible isn't impossible. I'd like to get in on the ground floor. It's also why I'm using a dropship and not my corvette.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby TorTorden » Wed Oct 04, 2017 8:46 am

By nearly they mean you need three full wings of four players.

The game still craps out at around 6 active players in an instance for me and that's assuming you don't have instancing issues which would be down right garuanteed.

Thargoid's adapting. is just insulting.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby Capricos » Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:08 am

Well, on the upside, Frontier has been pretty good at fixing things and straightening things out. I'm sure they are on it.
I'm still going to go shoot at some Thargoids.
Read the forums, etc., I still want to go see it for myself. And, it seems this area is going to be expanding and beefing up, so it isn't hurting to scan systems in their entirety.
So, again, if anyone at least wants to get a ground-level Thargoid Extermination squad together, we might as well start getting our shit together now. Again, I'm quite positive they'll get together sooner rather than later. So, let's start getting coordinated for it. Or, at least those that are looking to spearhead this.
Again, why I'm taking a dropship before I start engineering projects on my other ships. Dropship seemed like a nice choice. Don't care if I blow up a thousand times. Can fit 2 AX turrets and 2 fixed on it with good accuracy. Throw a large beam on the bottom just 'cause. Got the armor up around 3500. Plenty of room for shields, scb, fuel scoop, corrosion cargo, AFM and a scanner. Scout it out.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby o7MJ » Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:23 am

TorTorden wrote:Thargoid's adapting. is just insulting.

Hence the 'adapting' rather than adapting. I tend to agree this is a bull move by Frontier. They either got to go ahead and nerf every new weapon we develop to keep the adaptation argument alive or just stop after a certain number and shove this adaptation excuse under the bus so we finally can have a weapon that'll harm them efficiently moving forward.

Capricos wrote:Dropship seemed like a nice choice. Don't care if I blow up a thousand times. Can fit 2 AX turrets and 2 fixed on it with good accuracy. Throw a large beam on the bottom just 'cause. Got the armor up around 3500. Plenty of room for shields, scb, fuel scoop, corrosion cargo, AFM and a scanner. Scout it out.

That's a good starting idéa, I've only tried to use the science limpets on the Thargoid so far, and I got shredded in my Python. On the outfitting I can say 3.5k armor will do nicely but I'll heavily insist you bring the best shield and SCB's as your canopy will get blown up really quickly once the shields drop.

As for the hardpoint placement I can't help you much with the Dropship as I've never owned one (not sure how the placements is), but the most important is that your anti-Thargoid weaponry is close to each other as sniping the hearts is the hard part of the fight. So if the 4x medium is relatively centered from each other, outfit that with 4x AX missiles and my pick for the Large HP would be a PA, but that's just my preference.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby Capricos » Wed Oct 04, 2017 9:47 am

The gunship was a nice thought, too, but I currently have my gunship geared as a missile boat. It has one extra core utility slot for a hull package, but I liked the extra optionals on the dropship. I put a class 5 hull package on the dropship on top of the 2 core utlities packages and heavied everything.
Dropship hardpoint placements are interesting and they are mirrored on the gunship. The difference is the gunship has 2 additional small hardpoints on top the cockpit. The front mediums are a touch far apart for my optimal, but good enough. the 2 mediums underneath are back some, so you kind of got a pull up. That's why I like putting missiles back there on the gunship. However, 2 fixed on the front mediums, and 2 turrets on the back mediums. I took it into a CZ just to do some practicing. I'd actually gotten into plasma accelerators of late, so my fixed aiming is getting better.
I don't know how well the Thargoids turn, so I don't know if I'd even want to take an anaconda in there. Although, you could boost the armor on the conda up to ridiculous levels. Could probably turret the front mediums and put two fixed in those top large slots.
The fact that you're limited on how many AX per ship also weighed into it. And, also, I don't feel like paying 40 mil for my vette every time I learn from a mistake, haha.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby Phillipus » Wed Oct 04, 2017 10:38 am

At this point, engaging with Thargoids will mean that your ship will be insta-destroyed. You will be wasting your time.

The alien "content" will consist, over the coming months, of engaging in mindless Sisyphean "Community Goals" where, at each turn, FDev will feed the players another breadcrumb which, after a few days, will be nerfed. Repeat.

My advice - put the game away and watch it unfold on Obsidian Ant's YouTube channel. That's what I'll be doing.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby Capricos » Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:08 am

Um, no thanks. I bought the game to play it. Not watch someone else do it on YouTube.

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Re: Thargoid Hunting

Postby LeDoyen » Wed Oct 04, 2017 11:19 am

I imagine that their plans were not to introduce a new foe and give us a week after a way to dispatch them easily. that would have been even more stupid.

When i see how the first thargoid related CG went, i imagine very few combat players engaged in it, and were too busy trying to kill ships we knew to be invincible at that stage (shame, they are the ones with corvettes and cutters, that would have helped move that CG real fast).

As of today, engaging thargoids is of no real interest, besides curiosity.

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