Let's Talk Thargoids!

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Re: Let's Talk Thargoids!

Postby Taiaha » Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:22 am

I've watched as many vids as I could find on YouTube re: Encounters with the Ships (Thargoids).

One thing I've noticed in all - not a single incident showed the ships (Thargoid) actually attacking anyone - even if the encounter was up close and personal (the Interdictions, and the Barnacles) - I did however see a few vids of CMDRs pursuing and firing upon departing ships; even some of people who got in the way of something a ship was doing to a Barnacle, and called it an attack, but was it?

Other events, Aftermath scenes of destroyed ships (no sign of anyone actually doing the destroying) and a Thargoid leaving, or just the remnants of a battle. Lots of "obviously Thargoid" weapon destruction - green goo, green mist, etc.


1. What if the witnessed events of destruction with a ship leaving was in fact seeing a Thargoid leaving a scene after also finding a distress signal or unknown signal?

2. The tech we might have gotten from Thargoid - what if all the Engineers are masters of reverse-engineering, and all these ranked up modules a result of that work? It might even explain why this same tech may not be effective against the Thargoid - perhaps?

4. The coded repeating signal at the latest site simply says "Thargoids Return" - a very vague message - It could be a warning, a confirmation, maybe even a request?

All incident sites simply shows aftermath evidence of something that wreaked this destruction. That's all it shows. Maybe there are other clues there that are yet to be found giving more insight into what actually did happen.

3. Deeper speculation still: What if the flurry of abandoned, destroyed, sabotaged generation ships etc was the work of an organisation up to some nefarious skullduggery and who are in turn setting up Thargoids?

Other side of that same coin: What if that same organisation has been working with the Thargoids surreptitiously all these years?

I don't know if I'm over thinking things (I probably am lol), and also missing the most obvious things that are actual confirmation of Thargoid aggression - but I'm sure having fun mulling over the possibilities. with the occasional "ooo oo ooo! What if... ?" additional thought.

Hopefully my speculations may trigger some further speculation, or even a different perspective to look at all this, leading to deeper investigations.

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Re: Let's Talk Thargoids!

Postby DarkMere » Thu Jun 22, 2017 9:30 am

Interesting points CMDR Taiaha and all valid.

However I lean towards suspecting the Thargoids of being nasty little insects (or big insects). Unless their nature and intent has changed 180 degrees since the last encounter with them, then they normally shoot first and ask questions later..... in fact they do not even bother with the last bit. So given history, I think its up to the Thargoids to declare friendly intent first. Until that time I treat them as I last left them, an enemy.

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Re: Let's Talk Thargoids!

Postby Taiaha » Thu Jun 22, 2017 10:05 am

Yes, I've seen evidence of that in a lot of the interdiction events (attacks) - where the only ones firing are humans, and just had a laugh when I saw a couple of Barnacle incidents where more shooting happened - it sure is going to be interesting, that's for sure

I've personally resigned myself to humans as a whole being human, and that leading inevitably to the war that everyone is saying they know is coming - I'm pretty certain that humans can find a way to ensure it does come, whether the Thargoids want it or not lol

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Re: Let's Talk Thargoids!

Postby DarkMere » Thu Jun 22, 2017 11:32 am

Just to clarify my thoughts. I have no intention of chasing or shooting at Thargoids unless (a) they shoot at me or (b) invade the space inhabited by myself or fellow humans, but as stated, their history is not one of being friendly.

Also, I consider the act of pulling a ship out of FSD against the commanders will, to be a hostile act.

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Re: Let's Talk Thargoids!

Postby damon8r351 » Sun Aug 27, 2017 9:06 pm

So I've jumped on the Elite bandwagon a lot later than most of you guys, so forgive the rookie unfamiliarity with the lore. But I'd like to think that the relationship between humanity and the Thargoids is the product of one gigantic misunderstanding after another. As in, we got off on the wrong foot from the start, and it just slid downhill from there. I forget what book it was, but I remember reading a science fiction novel where a huge interstellar war was set off because one alien species' idea of a friendly greeting was to approach a ship with their weapons ports open. Same idea here.

So, I bet at one point the Thargoids said, "We get it, don't mess with the primates." They turn inwards to do their own thing, Thargoid stuff, whatever that is. Then we start slowly encroaching into their territory, namely the Pleiades, California Nebula, Witch Head Nebula, etc. So we're in their face again, and they're testing the waters to see what our intentions are. Except we're doing stuff like raiding their mining extractors (barnacles), rummaging around in their bases, and getting into shooting matches with their scouting vessels.

So my idea is that we're making our bed, and we're about to lay in it.

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Re: Let's Talk Thargoids!

Postby Cometborne » Mon Aug 28, 2017 12:31 pm

damon8r351 wrote:So I've jumped on the Elite bandwagon a lot later than most of you guys, so forgive the rookie unfamiliarity with the lore.

That can be fixed since the journal entries of Frontier First Encounter are available here. Just search for Thargoid, and you will get both the background lore as well as the messages specific to the two main forks (bombarding them with the super-virus or delivering a cure).
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