General Thought On PP So Far?

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General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby Xebeth » Mon Jun 01, 2015 6:46 pm

Ok, I'll kick off.

This is only based on what I have read as I don't have Beta access.

Firstly I'm not that bothered by what seem to be some of the major gripes on the main forum, 10% module sell penalty, rep decline over time, and bounty timers, whilst they do add minor complexities, to me have a logical basis (why would anyone give you a full refund on a FSD that you've been thrashing around the galaxy, and "Hey Commander, I know we were allied, but you pissed off for two weeks and haven't done anything for us, we still like you, but do pull your finger out"

What I am struggling with understanding is the logic behind the PP reward system, it seems that you have to work your arse off for little reward to get the 'bonuses' every week, just to loose them the next week if you don't rinse and repeat. The best example I've read is about bounty hunting, if you get enough merits with one of the factions (which in themselves have given little reward) you get a bonus on bounties, but if you spend the next week bounty hunting, because you haven't kept up your actions for the power, you loose them again?

I may be missing something?

All the other updates, performance, sound, etc... sound great though.

For those that have beta access what are your thoughts?
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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:22 pm

Well unless I'm reading/doing something wrong it seems to me the "Blaze your own trail" goes right out the window.....

And I don't like that......

Because it seems if you have pledged to someone and don't fancy going back and forth with stuff for a week you lose your ranking......

Now spose in real life I go on holiday for 2 weeks.....My ingame stats suffer.....

Also I want the freedom to move around and not get attacked willy nilly by opposing powers should I go out of my powers area and stray into theirs......

As I said unless I'm misunderstanding something it ties you to a small part of the galaxy......

So I think I'll pass......

*Off topic*

The thing with this beta that is REALLY pissing me off is the bounties instead of fines for accidently hitting a clean....

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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby Ghaleon » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:36 pm

As another person looking at the update from the outside, here are my thoughts:

I'm not looking forward to the module sell penalty - I rather enjoy being able to test new builds without penalty. I still haven't tried Rail Guns, and they're relatively expensive. If I buy them, and don't like them, I'll be out a nice chunk of change, after this update. I understand that it's not realistic, being able to buy and sell for full price, though, so I'm fine with it being a mechanic. Just dreading the change.

Declination of reputation makes sense, though perhaps not at the rate they've initiated. Same with Bounty Timers. They're all things that hinder our performance, but I'm not particularly bothered by those two.

If what you're saying is true about losing benefits of the powers, then the only permanent thing you can get would be the gear you get for working with them for 4 weeks, I'd assume.

@Kharma: I think, as long as you avoid the Pirate faction's space, you shouldn't be bothered much more than is currently normal, if you don't pick a side. If you do pick a side, then it only makes sense for people in hostile powers, at least those you've attacked, to respond in kind.

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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby de Carabas » Mon Jun 01, 2015 7:41 pm

It's all said above. It's a shame but I just don't see it.
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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby PulsarShark » Tue Jun 02, 2015 8:47 am

Cmdr Kharma wrote:The thing with this beta that is REALLY pissing me off is the bounties instead of fines for accidently hitting a clean....

You get bounties for friendly fire in the live game right now. If you're "WANTED", you have a bounty on you. I guess people have been thinking of them as fines because you can take care of them by paying them off?

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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby stummies » Tue Jun 02, 2015 1:27 pm

The sound updates, caching fixes and other performance fixes, and AI improvements are all things I'm looking forward to...

That said, I am not a part of beta so all I know is what I've been reading. I do have an issue with the 10% and think if "realism" is the defense then so is module storage. They already have what they need in place, we can store ships, wouldn't be that much to add a few columns for module inventory... bit more to code but it's doable. This is a penalty plain and simple, if I could store modules I could keep what I typically use, I could share the modules between ships that can use them, the 10% without storage essentially penalizes. Forget about incremental upgrades too, when I first bought my FDL I put what I could afford on it and upgraded as I could... now with the 10% I am penalized by doing this. Buying additional ships to use as storage is lame, why the hell do I want to grind out the cost of another Python or FDL just so I don't have to pay 10% to switch modules? None of this sounds fun.

The bounty system is also sounding like it's worse than before. Now if I accidentally shoot a friendly by accident my night of playing is likely done. The last few times I made this mistake my guns were big enough to cause a 900cr bounty... essentially a 1 hour bounty... well given that I usually only have an hour or two a night to play I'm not going to want to spend it trying to find somewhere else to go. The other changes sound equally bothersome and from my perspective I'm being punished because kids in open are abusing the game to harass other players.

As for power play I'm not seeing any benefit to joining it. Since reputation will decay now and PP not rewarding credits there is nothing about it that makes me want to participate.

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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby Roger Wilco Jr » Tue Jun 09, 2015 10:05 pm

I finally played last night for a couple hours after a 2.5 weeks break. The first thing I noticed was the sound. My T9 is making some pretty cool sounds, although it still sounds a bit to much like a crop duster at times. I can also hear station announcements a lot more clearly. Then I noticed that the AI around stations are acting more realistically. Rather than just hanging in space, they'll zoom in front me to beat me to the slot, which makes sense when I'm plodding along in a T9. My favorite thing so far is the draw distance for planets. They finally slowly increase and resolve instead of suddenly just magically appearing.

I just watched the 4 vids about PP. It looks pretty lame to me. Why would I, a lowly trader, decide what systems to expand into? And why should powers that I'm not aligned to be able to attack me when I enter their space? Are all these powers at war with each other? It also looks like the combat has me acting like a pirate murdering clean pilots and gaining bounties. It looks more like warring crime syndicates rather than respected powers. It all looks pretty confusing and I don't plan to pursue it.

As for the 10% module fee, I think it makes sense. They should also have ship storage fees. Space on a station should be prime real-estate and it doesn't make sense not to charge for it. But they should allow you to try out ships and modules in a simulator. :roll:
It's time to give this another go.

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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby Casey Casem » Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:16 am

Just to set the record straight: modules can be sold and bought at the same price (for now). 10% sell penalty still applies to ships and any modules in that ship if you decide to sell without changing out modules first.

Huge changes to BH profit making and massive RES nerf. Insane integrity repair costs and borked rank progression. Combat ranking gets harder due to bug with spawning low ranked NPCs in CZ and RES and power play zones such as crime sweeps and military strike. Missions were not paying promised payouts but that should be fixed today.

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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby stummies » Wed Jun 10, 2015 12:44 am

Alright well, I played a few hours tonight. First tried PP again, and failed once again. I can only seem to manage either going to my factions expansion military strikes, or courier missions for control and prepare. Anytime I try to join military strikes to fight against another faction I get penalized for treachery (10 merits). If I fly around faction control areas and interdict and kill all I get is a 400cr bounty, no merits. I really want to play PP but it's so fucking confusing... one thing I read says you can do X, then another says X should be done a completely different way. I'm sided with Lavigny-Duval, defected from Hudson, which generated the only other combat I've managed to do successfully in PP, when they hunt you down. It was a fun mechanic, although it was usually an Eagle that died quick... fun though. I'm so frustrated, all I want to do is understand this and I don't know what works, what doesn't, or even how to do what I need to do. :(

On another topic though, I spent about 2 hours in various RES locations and a CZ, all were high-intensity. The RES locations generated decent spawns for once. The first was just small ships but a ton of them, it did also spawn a wing of Pythons and other stuff later on. The second RES I visited started off with a Clipper, then it was all Clippers and Pythons but at a decent frequency (usually at least one nearby). All in all I made about 2 million, and at least had fun doing it. I do not know if there were any stealth patches or changes to this, or if my unlucky streak finally ended but it was a nice change from the last few days.

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Re: General Thought On PP So Far?

Postby clivewil » Wed Jun 10, 2015 1:41 am

i've been ignoring the actual PP elements so far, and just playing lone-wolf as per usual, but i did decide to test the bounty system and took on an assassination mission. i got a 6,400cr bounty on my head for 5 days, but i'm only wanted in the system where the crime occurred.

rather than avoid going to that system, i've been taking on multiple smuggling and courier missions to there instead and trying to get in and out undetected (cue the theme from 'Jaws') - i hated the sound of the new bounty system when i first heard of it, but now i'm using it as a new mode of gameplay and it's actually kind of fun. it's good knowing that i can just jump to anywhere else and the heat will be off me

i might have to do another assassination once this bounty wears off
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