Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby DarkMere » Tue Jul 04, 2017 6:36 pm

Pam Demonium wrote:
DarkMere wrote:Do not be worried about interdictions. Not only is it easy to escape them by submitting to them, and then boosting away and re-engaging FSD

Disagree. I have never submitted to one, and have always gotten away, 100% of the time. Its really boring now when they try.
Like EvE, everyone is in a hurry to get into the biggest ship they can not afford to be in.
Take your time, choose ships with good turn ratings not the biggest tub you can buy.
The sidewinder, Cobra III, Vulture, and even the fat AspX all turn better than most, Fast thrusters, and
a light ship will out turn most if not all of the NPCs boats.
I carry 4 mine racks in my AspX, just for the time when I get dropped out of SC. Aint happened yet, so I use them to keep the rats off me bum when Im mining. Im even known to slow down and let them catch up so my mines can light up the blackness of space.

Well I will not disagree with you, as clearly if your method has always worked, then both methods work equally well. I think probably most players submit?

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby TorTorden » Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:00 pm

Pam Demonium wrote:
DarkMere wrote:Do not be worried about interdictions. Not only is it easy to escape them by submitting to them, and then boosting away and re-engaging FSD

Disagree. I have never submitted to one, and have always gotten away, 100% of the time. Its really boring now when they try.
Like EvE, everyone is in a hurry to get into the biggest ship they can not afford to be in.
Take your time, choose ships with good turn ratings not the biggest tub you can buy.
The sidewinder, Cobra III, Vulture, and even the fat AspX all turn better than most, Fast thrusters, and
a light ship will out turn most if not all of the NPCs boats.
I carry 4 mine racks in my AspX, just for the time when I get dropped out of SC. Aint happened yet, so I use them to keep the rats off me bum when Im mining. Im even known to slow down and let them catch up so my mines can light up the blackness of space.

Well, for more than a full year the interdiction game was utterly broken.
During this time the mantra became "submit, boost, engage, and get interdicted by the same npc over and over again".
Couple this with an npc having rail guns that never missed, with the fire rate of a rapid fire grade 5 pulse laser...
Fun times.
It only got fixed, as in possible with a bit of luck, with the release of fighters.

And with basically each patch since been made easier and easier.
I can now evade elite level npc's in smaller combat ships with a t9 and hardly have to work for it.
But people are stuck in their ways, and it's probably going to be another three years before they either get over the stuck, submit, boost, jump fallacy.
Or enough people with this indoctrinated response stop playing.

As for eve and big ships. The skills required to really use them force a lot people to re-asses.
Sure you can have the money but without the necessary skills you where useless in it.

With elite there's no such thing, and the money needed can be quite easy to get.

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Xebeth » Tue Jul 04, 2017 8:47 pm

Yeh, Tor is right, interdictions are now super easy to win, you now only really need to submit if you want to blow them up
Please make sure you have read the Mobius GroupPolicy

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Relix Typhon » Tue Jul 04, 2017 9:09 pm

Xebeth wrote:Yeh, Tor is right, interdictions are now super easy to win, you now only really need to submit if you want to blow them up

Or you are about to be whiplashed into a fiery death in the heart of the closet star

EDIT: btw, I like your new Avatar, Xebeth.

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Roger Wilco Jr » Tue Jul 04, 2017 11:45 pm

RD-83 wrote:EDIT: btw, I like your new Avatar, Xebeth.

That's what can happen if you fly too close to a sun with a blown out canopy. :P
It's time to give this another go.

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby DarkMere » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:16 am

Xebeth wrote:Yeh, Tor is right, interdictions are now super easy to win, you now only really need to submit if you want to blow them up

This being the case I think I will sell my trading Anaconda and replace it with a T9 as I can carry a greater cargo. The only reason I bypassed the T9 for trading was due to being worried about being able to boost away. If everyone is saying that you can now safely fight an interdiction there is no point in ignoring the T9

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby TorTorden » Thu Jul 06, 2017 10:51 am

DarkMere wrote:
Xebeth wrote:Yeh, Tor is right, interdictions are now super easy to win, you now only really need to submit if you want to blow them up

This being the case I think I will sell my trading Anaconda and replace it with a T9 as I can carry a greater cargo. The only reason I bypassed the T9 for trading was due to being worried about being able to boost away. If everyone is saying that you can now safely fight an interdiction there is no point in ignoring the T9

I would still pick the anaconda for trading.
The t9 only has more cargo if you go shieldless, and as far as I'm concerned still not an option.
Also it's manouverabillity is just tragic regardless of having put dirty drives on mine.
The roll particularly is atrocious.
It just barely rolls faster than the mailslot on stations.

But the real clincher for me is the anaconda has considerably greater jump range.
And that is worth far more than a few extra tons.

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Pam Demonium
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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Pam Demonium » Sat Jul 08, 2017 6:27 pm

TorTorden wrote:As for eve and big ships. The skills required to really use them force a lot people to re-asses.

Never kept anything bigger than a cruiser. My main stay was 3 manticores with 3 cruise missile tubes.
When they changed the ship, I stopped playing. I had a few specialty cruisers, but only used those now and then.

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby sean_crow » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:38 am

Hi again,

I'm not sure if it fits in here but I don't want to open a new thread for every problem I engage.

Yesterday I came back from exploration, handed in 66 Mio of exploration data. I invested about the half of it in an ASPx with the right modules.
Before going on the next exploration tour, I wanted to do some missions to get used to the new ship.
So I got this "planet scan job" mission where you find the body, land on it, scan a terminal and head back.

Unfortunately the terminal was protected by some kind of drones. I shot them and got a 8 minute bounty.
Then I got back to my ship while the bounty was still active.
I boarded the ship and in the boarding process got immediately attacked by whatever.
I saw my shields and hull going down and decided to deploy the SRV again.
Outside the ship was still under fire and I tried to dismiss it.
I think it didn't work because I saw some metal parts later on that had the shape of an ASPx.

I tried to call my ship but it shows that the ship is still "on it's way out".
Then I tried to log out and in again to see if there is any change.
No change except of there was no menu point to call the ship.
So I am stranded on a planet in my SRV.
I even found the "attacker". There was a turret close to the terminal that I must have missed. It missed me too but it didn't miss the ship.

I guess I have to self-destruct and pay my repair bill. That was my ASPx maiden flight.

But after checking the web I saw that there are some reports about bugs and that's why I'm wondering if all this worked as intended.
Is the described situation something I should report to the customer service?
I don't really see that I had a chance to leave the planet while under fire. The best would have been to wait until the bounty is gone.

Thank you

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby TorTorden » Sun Jul 23, 2017 11:52 am

This sounds to be working as intended yes.
Those big ass turrets next to these bases that you mention will rip anything but a heavy combat ship to pieces.
But lack the ability to target SRV's.

So you can either spend a minute or two blowing it up with the teeny gun on the srv, or just drive a few km's away before calling the ship back.

With these bases I tend to land at least a 1km away from the area, and drive antother 4-5km away from it to recall the ship.

Hey I'm Thor -
People call me Bob.

Rule 1: Pillage. Then burn.
Rule 2: No such thing as overkill, as long as there are reloads.

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