Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby sean_crow » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:03 pm

Ok, thank you guys!
I'm happy with your answers. At least it's not me (again) :D

Did anyone try to relog? Maybe those ships return to the base?

@Kharma Was the end as spectacular as mine? :)

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby TorTorden » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:07 pm

RD-83 wrote:
TorTorden wrote:Honestly.
FD utterly broke base assaults by adding security ships to operate in surface areas.

Also those cop bastards seem to run some super sensors who can magically target srv's.
How exactly are we supposed to outrun or outmanouver a viper with aimbot railguns that can hit you from 3 km off?
Obvious answer is your not.

I've never done a Base assault. Don't think I've even ever seen one. Are they completely broken and not worth doing then?
Always wanted to try one.

Every 2+ and at least every time 3+ security base has an anaconda/cutter or wing of vipers on patrol.

And like with all police. If you shoot one they keep spawning wings and wings of them.
They keep circling for a five or so minutes before warping off.
Then you might have two minutes to get in, past the trespass border. Find what needs scanning, and get out again before you get a bounty.
And just staying inside the trespass zone will see to that.

I usually stay away from these or just accept I'm not getting back into the ship "the right way".

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:25 pm

sean_crow wrote:Ok, thank you guys!
I'm happy with your answers. At least it's not me (again) :D

Did anyone try to relog? Maybe those ships return to the base?

@Kharma Was the end as spectacular as mine? :)


If I was going out it was gonna be A-Team stylee.........

I was running across a flat bit of ground......

Recalled my ship........

Eventually ducked and dived back into it.....

Took off and blew the shit outta him...... I think about 3 more appeared....

So then I quickly high waked out.......Straight off planet jump......

That got me 5 days I think.......And a very high repair bill.......I was not in good shape....

Last edited by Cmdr Kharma on Mon Aug 07, 2017 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby sean_crow » Mon Aug 07, 2017 8:32 pm

Sounds reasonable. I would love to see that. :)
And... maybe I should think about how clever it is to go to war with an exploration load out :D

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Cmdr Kharma » Mon Aug 07, 2017 9:31 pm

Yea wish I'd caught it......

I was not recording being solo and not in wing......


About as clever as flying into a compromised nav beacon with a full cargo hold....


Oh shit......



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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Cometborne » Tue Aug 08, 2017 3:33 pm

sean_crow wrote:I don't know exactly what triggered it but I think it was the scan: I got wanted status and the ships came after me shooting at me from time to time. Some of the scan missions were war missions.

The scan will give you wanted status if the data point is marked private or if you are in the exclusion zone while scanning. Figuring out how to scan a public data point without being in the exclusion zone takes time, but is worth it.

sean_crow wrote:At the end the SRV exploded after a wicked Evil Knievel jump.
Suddenly I was in my ship and got shot down from the Vultures within seconds :D

Ending up in your ship after your SRV goes boom is normal. So is having your SRV go boom if attract the attention of the guard ships.

However, when I go boom in my SRV on scan missions, I end up in orbit with no hostile ships near. Strange that the Vultures appeared in your instance.

sean_crow wrote:But what would have been the solution?

Scan, logout, log into non-horizons, fly out of the system, logout, log back into horizons works but can be seen as a cheat. I do these missions in either my cutter or my python, both heavily engineered, so depending on system status, I would have either blown them to dustbunnies (lawless/anarchy) or ignored them and high-waked out.
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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby sean_crow » Tue Aug 08, 2017 5:24 pm

Thank you, Comet!
I will try to scan the sneaky way until Ich have a more powerful ship.

Since I am on PS4 II have no way to log in without horizons.

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Yeshe McGermot » Wed Sep 06, 2017 12:20 pm

I can chip in with a tried an tested "vessel progression". (For those who don't want to fight right from the beginning.)

Sidewinder -> Cobra MK III -> Asp Explorer -> The sky is the limit!

Elite Dangerous has a lot of different vessels that all have their advantages and drawbacks.
By all means, you should get and fly them all!
This is for early in the game, when you are low on credits and want to get to a good money maker without wasting too many credits.

When you start off in your Sidewinder, fly data and cargo missions willy nilly to save up on credits and get good standing with you local factions.
If you get interdicted, run away. It's most likely someone sent by one of the other factions and blowing up those vessels will upset that other faction needlessly.
I find the minigame quite enjoyable, but the tactic stated above is very much valid.
Don't bother kitting out your Sidewinder, yet. Once you don't know what to do with your credits, yeah, it can be fun.

At 380kCr treat yourself to a Cobra MK III.
Again, don't spend too much on kitting the vessel out, yet. Maybe a bit more cargo space if you find, you can't take those juicy missions. In general, continue to fly data and cargo missions like before. Now you can jump farther and take on more cargo.

Sooner than you may think now, you will have the 6.6MillCr for the Asp Explorer.
Ah, the Asp Explorer *glee*, considered by many an "Endgame Vessel" and at some time or another you'll want one anyway.
Seriously, watch the video.
Give it a name and kit it out whenever your credits allow (after insurance!) Fly it across the whole galaxy and admire the view from the (absolutely unsafe) cockpit.
This is my AspX, fully endquipped costing around 32MillCr.
You can do long range cargo missions or rare goods trading, if you are so inclined, and I use it for exploration, cargo missions and planetary scan missions a lot.
I wouldn't recommend it for fighting but the AspX will earn you the credits for that slick combat vessel in no time!

I hope this little guide will get you on your feet, quickly, and I'm looking forward to meet you in spaaaaaaaaaace...
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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby GaidinBDJ » Fri Nov 24, 2017 7:22 am

Here's something else that just came up with me that could be avoided.

I'm knocking out the last 40% to EliteX by doing passenger missions in Ceos. A lot of them reward cargo and, if you don't have a cargo hold, you can't complete passenger mission. They'll just sit there in the cabin and you don't even get that little (!) in the mission board indicating you can turn in a mission. It took me a while to figure out why that wasn't working.

It kinda sucks using up a slot for cargo just to run passengers one system over, but it's a PITA to swap out a cargo hold every time you need to return passenger missions, and that's assuming that you don't get a bad draw and have every mission require cargo space.

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Re: Tips and Tricks for a Brand New player

Postby Tyran7 » Fri Jan 19, 2018 10:37 pm

Still fairly new to the game, and some of the tips in this thread were already things I intuited, since this is far from my first space sim. But I picked up a lot of good stuff here, so I feel I should drop something of my own into the thread, to pass along to future players.

I saw earlier that a lot of people will approach from the stellar body side of a station. Sometimes, whether because of time constraints or laziness, you might find yourself approaching from a different angle. In these situations, sometimes (not always) it is possible to make these more sub-optimal approaches better by rolling your ship while still approaching in SC. There have been many times where just rolling my ship has brought the mail slot up into view on the station, without resorting to curving my flight path in transit.

It's a bit of a lazy approach solution, and by no means the best, but it does work for getting on the right side of the mail slot :P


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